This 'Inspirational Monday' is a personal one, it goes out to the people in my life that I really see something special in. I think after reading this, you'll see why :]
(this picture was stolen off her facebook)1.
Ariel is 14 years old (15 in a few days) and she is in the process of writing a novel. I've read the 7 chapters that she has written so far and I'm hooked. She is a very talented, mature, smart girl and I believe in her 100% and she is a very good friend of mine :]

2. My brother,
Spencer, is pretty much the smartest person that I know. He keeps me on my toes.

3. Even though you can't see her face, this is
Josie. She has been one of my very best friends since I was probably about eight years old. She's always pushed my creative side and encourages me to follow my heart and dreams. (P.S. This is one of my favorite/coolest pictures)

4. I'm sure it's no secret that
Braxton plays a key role in my life. He teaches me a lot about myself and who I'm becoming. He'll help anyone at anytime, he's the best friend/(boyfriend) that any person could ask for.

5. I hate that I don't have a better picture of
Kacey, but she's the one in the middle and is an inspiring graphic designer. She has just freshly turned 15 and absolutely blows me out of the water in brains, creativity, and humor. I will miss her greatly next year! She will do absolute amazing things.

(along with my Yellow Bird header, this is some of her work she did with a picture of me)

6. My adorable
Aunt Paula is who I give all the credit for showing me that I love to do crafty things. If it weren't for her doing some sort of "art project" with me every time we were together, I don't know where I would be now. Lucky for me, I have an art teacher for an aunt :]

7. My
Dad is the most kind-hearted person that I know. I love him to no end. He practically raised me by himself and the thought of all he did and sacrificed for me brings tears to my eyes. We also have contest in the winter as to who can read the most books ;] he normally wins by a landslide.

8. I love my
Papaw to pieces and I know he loves me even more than I love him. Him and Mamaw (who passed away at Christmas) spoiled me rotten when I was growing up. After my mom died, I would stay with them every other weekend, so they helped raise me. Also, every time I was over at their house, I would get a new Barbie doll :] needless to say, I had a
ton of Barbie's growing up! I hope to one day be as good of grandparents as mine are.
(another stolen off her facebook)9. My sister,
Sarah, is the best big sister ever. I love her so incredibly much and I know that she would come to my rescue when I couldn't call anyone else. It seems the older we get, the more we start to see we're a
lot alike.

Kimber, as you know, has been another of my best friends for a while now. She was one of those people that as soon as I saw her, I knew we were going to be the best of friends, and we are. We're so much a like that people get our voices confused all the time and we pretty much wear the same things; like twins. :] She's as cute as a button and I laugh with her all the time!
That's it for this weeks 'Inspirational Monday'!

Happy Monday!
xo k