So the lovely Mr. Raybourn surprised me with the sweetest things as an early birthday present! (my birthday is tomorrow)

I walked in my room and found this :) soo sweet! He came in the house when I wasn't home (with help from my brother) and did this! How adorable! After I quit beaming over that, I noticed what was sitting on my bedside table.....

This beautiful Polaroid! Eek! I love it so much! And it actually still works! I hope that I can find film for it because I would absolutely
love to use it. My old camera collection is getting rather big!

And the sign had a super sweet note on the back! Awww cute DIY "birthday card"!

The ladies that I work with also gave me an early birthday! I got a basket full of yarn, buttons, and crochet needles! I thought it was a very cute and thoughtful gift! Along with a photo album that looks almost like a wallet! Oh, and I got a ton of cookies from Sweet Peppers, they were amazing! I have the best co-workers!

My parents and Spencer decided to get in on the "early birthday for Kayla" as well, but I definitely didn't mind! They got me a sewing machine case, a cute sewing basket that I've had my eye on for quite some time, a starting sewing pack, and The Office Season 6 (favorite tv show)!

It's been a great day! Tomorrow is looking more promising! I hope that you're having just as great of days as I am!
A very blessed,