Monday, October 25, 2010

tiny Inpspirational Monday!

I haven't done an "Inspirational Monday" in quite some time, so I hope you enjoy this weeks long overdue [tiny] list!

1) Local wedding photographer Mandi Newsom has beautiful Captured moments!

2) For reasons unknown, I'm completely in love with this picture. Maybe because scarfs are my hear right now.

3) I know that I'm not the only person that still loves paper air planes and using them in fun, creative ways!

4) Finding new, adorable ways to use fabric! Eep! Like this!

5) I really wish I had time to catch up on my personal reading list. I miss my books.

Sorry it's so short!
xo kLink

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lady Bird Owl Costume DIY

I have busied myself this entire week with making my very own Halloween costume! I was very excited when I saw the adorable DIY from seablanket and thought that I would try out my sewing skills and see if I could do it!

After many hours of Aunt Paula trying to fix my broken sewing machine (which she did!) the sewing began. I really liked this DIY because I got to use up a lot of my left over fabric that wasn't big enough to do much with. It was a very simple, adorable process and the outcome is just overwhelmingly cute! I love it so much! This might be one of my favorite Halloween costumes that I have ever had!

Can't wait to show it off at Halloween!
What are you going to be for Halloween? Let me know!
xoxoxo kayla

Monday, October 18, 2010

Zoo Time!

As a birthday surprise, Mr. Raybourn took me on an adventure! I had no clue what he had in store for the entire day, but he did so good! First he took me to the zoo and we had so much fun! I haven't been to the zoo in so long, so I had a blast.

The tiger didn't really feel like playing, so we pretended to be a tiger :]

As you can see, I got a little snap happy! After we got through walking through the zoo, Braxton surprised me with a picnic at the zoo!! It was so sweet! I loved it so much! Then we went to a few of my favorite stores and saw The Legends of the Guardians! It is amazing, so if you have been wanting to see it, go see it! It's beautiful and has such a good story line.

Also I'm going to try to sew my own Halloween costume! Eep! I really hope it turns out good because I am super excited about it. And I have been racking my brain for new things for anchor&sparrow so I can't wait to make them and show it to you all!

I hope you're having a great day as well!
xoxoxoxoxo kayla

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Early Birthday!

So the lovely Mr. Raybourn surprised me with the sweetest things as an early birthday present! (my birthday is tomorrow)

I walked in my room and found this :) soo sweet! He came in the house when I wasn't home (with help from my brother) and did this! How adorable! After I quit beaming over that, I noticed what was sitting on my bedside table.....

This beautiful Polaroid! Eek! I love it so much! And it actually still works! I hope that I can find film for it because I would absolutely love to use it. My old camera collection is getting rather big!

And the sign had a super sweet note on the back! Awww cute DIY "birthday card"!

The ladies that I work with also gave me an early birthday! I got a basket full of yarn, buttons, and crochet needles! I thought it was a very cute and thoughtful gift! Along with a photo album that looks almost like a wallet! Oh, and I got a ton of cookies from Sweet Peppers, they were amazing! I have the best co-workers!

My parents and Spencer decided to get in on the "early birthday for Kayla" as well, but I definitely didn't mind! They got me a sewing machine case, a cute sewing basket that I've had my eye on for quite some time, a starting sewing pack, and The Office Season 6 (favorite tv show)!

It's been a great day! Tomorrow is looking more promising! I hope that you're having just as great of days as I am!
A very blessed,

Monday, October 4, 2010


Our booth at the Loblolly Festival went so much better than I ever dreamed! Gabby and I brought over 70 goodies and left with about 15! By about 12 o'clock it seemed as if we had already sold half of our things. It's so encouraging to know that people like what we have to offer! Even though we got sunburned really badly, I enjoyed every minute of it and I can't wait to do it again!

And our table turned out so incredibly cute! I absolutely adored it.

It was a very successful day! We're working on coming up with new ideas for our next little outing that makes me so happy! We had a lot of guys come up and ask if we had anything for them, so maybe next time we'll have some stuff for the fella's too!

Hope you had a great weekend as well!
xo k