Another thing that I have been in the mood to do more of lately is painting. My friend Josie and I have these "paint dates" where we just head to our local Walmart (seeing that we don't have any craft stores), buy a canvas, and just paint all night long. It's very fun and I'm definitely in the mood to paint away.

These are just some pictures taken from my cellular of my latest creations

I'm pretty excited to say that my online art journal class is starting soon. Maybe that will help put my artsy urge to ease. It should be a lot of fun! Anyways, I'm going to try to make the best of this yucky weather that we're having. I'll try to catch up on my reading and take some good naps. :)
I'll leave you with this pretty image found on weheartit

Wouldn't that just be magical to have?
Have a lovely evening
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