Does certain music seem to go with certain seasons to anyone besides me? The two bands that are "Summer time bands" to me are NeverShoutNever! and Search The City. But NeverShoutNever! is a big time Summer band to me. Every time that I hear some of his music I automatically think back to last Summer when me and my friends were completely obsessed with him and his music, we would sing it constantly :] And me and Josie freaked when we first saw him in concert at Warped Tour in Chicago and the second go round in New Orleans with our other pal, Lindsay. I love how music can remind you of so many things, the good, the bad, the pretty. It's what links us all. Oh, how I wish I could sing.

Speaking of pretty things, I absolutely adore this picture of these cupcakes! I'm thinking of doing a bake sale for fun, if anyone else is interested let me know and we will get to baking!

Also I am super excited about going to New Orleans in a couple of weeks so [hopefully] my shopping urge will be put to rest by spending way to much money in Urban Outfitters. :]

It makes me want to try to make something like this for Mr. Raybourn :]
Maybe one day!
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