This has been my life lately, as seen through the not so great camera lens from my BlackBerry Tour.

I've been trying to eat a little bit healthier lately, not for dieting purposes, just for the well being of myself. Going for soups and salads, grilled instead of fried, not going back for seconds, and obeying the "don't get a serving that is bigger than your fist" rule. Even though this delicious soup from Lee's Coffee and Tea was eaten by Ariel, I myself have been trying to be healthy.

This week was little Sophie's birthday! She turned 9 years old. I can't believe she is that old, she still looks like a puppy. Even though she's not the nicest dog around, we still love her to pieces around here.

Mr. Raybourn and his friends [including me] are total nerds, but I wouldn't have him any other way :] On a regular basis, this is what happens.

This shot was taken from Braxton's phone. He spilled paint on the floor at work (Sherwin Williams) and it just happen to spill in the shape of a heart! He took a picture of it and sent it to me because he said that it reminded him of me. :]

Also, I've really been experiencing a lot of changes in my life, and all seem for the good. I'm really excited about things and where everything seems to be headed with me. Doors have been opening for me that I would've never in my wildest dreams thought would actually be happening to me. Things just seem to be going really good right now. Everything is still in the making, but I'm really excited about it all.

I hope things are going great for you as well! Let me hear about what's going on in your life! Have a good day.
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