Away We Go, was an adorable/feel-good movie that I thoroughly enjoyed watching! I may be a little partial to the movie because I'm a complete John Krasinski fan, but I really liked this movie! It was a "real" movie, that seemed to be about "real life" people and their problems and how they feel about things, not everything is perfect. I like movies like that, and plus, how could you not just love this adorable guy??

If you catch yourself thinking, "I've totally seen this guy playing in something else!" he plays Jim Halpert off The Office (one of my favorite tv shows) and he's recently played in "It's Complicated"
Anywho, now that you've been "educated" on John Krasinski, on to other news... Braxton and I are cooking supper together for the first time Saturday night! I'm really excited about this! We're going to make cheesy chicken and rice casserole, salad, french toast, and for dessert we're making chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter as icing! Eek! It's going to be so much fun! I'll have to take plenty of pictures and show you all!

[thank you weheartit.com for all the images]
Have a lovely day!
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