Today was sort of productive; I'm proud of myself! After working for a little while, me and my brother, Spencer, went to Jones (Jones County Junior College) to pick up our parking decals for our cars and to try to find where our classes are going to be so that way we wouldn't be too terribly lost on our first day! I'm still kind of nervous about it, seeing that this campus is so much larger than the non-existent campus at my high school, but I'm sure I'll be fine! Anyways! After we got through with Jones, we had some brother-sister bonding time ;] we went to McDonald's and I got a Reese McFlurry and Spencer got an Iced Mocha Latte, which he swears by. It was nice :]
Tonight me and Mr. Raybourn are having a date night! We're heading to Hattiesburg when he gets off work and going to buy my some school supplies (I
love school supply shopping!) and then try out Baker's Burgers and try to see Inception! I'm excited!

Happy Weekend!
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