Mr. Raybourn bought me a sewing machine as an early birthday present! Am I not the luckiest gal in the world?? It's just the one I wanted too! I can't wait to get started on making lovely things! And yes, this is my first sewing machine I've ever been able to call my own! I was practically in tears when I saw it in front of me, knowing it was mine. I know what I'll be doing all day Sunday!
Also, my Instax camera came in! I'm just surrounded by goodies! I feel as if it's an early Christmas! I have the perfect little book that I'm going to use as a "photo album" for these cute pictures! Eep!
I will definitely be a busy little bee again this weekend! I have a double date with my sister Friday (which I'm absolutely ecstatic about!), football game to shoot Saturday--speaking of which, I took Braxton's sister, Madison, pictures for her to turn in for "most photogenic" today and it was so much fun!--and then creating lovely things for
the business Sunday! It's going to be an amazing jammed packed weekend!
P.S. I have red hair now! I'll try to take some pictures to show you!
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