As most of you know, I have a total music crush on none other than Miss Hayley Williams of Paramore. I always feel a little weird telling people that Paramore is my favorite band because my "favorite" always seems to be changing with my mood and even the weather (some bands are more of 'summer' bands while others are fall, spring, or winter, right?) but Paramore has just always been one of those bands that I listen to no matter the season.

Another reason why I'm always hesitant to say them is because, in my experience, Paramore has been deemed "a girl band" and that "every girl likes them" well it is true that Paramore seems to be more popular among gals than the guys, but hey, her stuff is good! It seems that every song that she has ever written goes with an aspect of my life. It helps that she has an
amazing voice!

If all you've ever heard from them are Misery Business and maybe The Only Exception, I definitely encourage you to listen to all of their stuff! Plus, how
cool is she?? Amazing hair, amazing vocals, and an easy cool sense of style. All around crush worthy!
Who is your music crush?
Happy listening!
images: weheartit.com
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