Monday, May 2, 2011

Comedian Corbin McDavitt



A few days ago, my good friend Corbin McDavitt asked me to take some head-shots of him for his application to the Boston Comedy Festival. These are my favorite but you can check out all of them on his facebook page. He also has a video up of his latest performance so go stop by, like his page, and give him some love! He's amazing! *remember me when you're famous, Corbin!*





In other news, finals week is in full swing and so is getting ready for Day in the Park! I will be trying to do more post once all the craziness of my life ceases, but it seems like I'm constantly saying that!

I couldn't be any happier with the way things are going for Anchor & Sparrow and I really hope to see you all at Day in the Park THIS Saturday!

Happy Finals Week!
xo kayla

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