Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New News

For those of you who still follow me on here, this post is for you.
I do realize that I haven't posted on my blog in over a year, and going through and reading my previous post has made me very nostalgic!Almost to the point that I miss blogging once a week (or how ever often I use to post). Anyways, I thought I would give you all a heads-up about what the next 12 post on here are going to be about...

In the past year I have graduated from one college and started another (JCJC to USM), moved to a different city, and started my own business venture. I'm sure I'll go into more detail about all of those things in my next post. Since starting USM, I have declared my major as Public Relations with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. In one of my journalism classes, I have to write 12 post on a blog. I am going to use this blog to save myself from having to create a new one. So, to my followers, you are more than welcome to read my "homework" over these next few weeks if you, for some reason, find that interesting!

I'll end this post with a million pictures trying to try to catch you up on the past year of my life. 
