Monday, August 30, 2010

Busy Busy Monday

I have so much to do this week! I have tons of headband orders to keep me busy (which isn't really a bad thing), homework galore, and just tons of little things that I have been putting off. I'm so excited that I have this coming up Monday off though! Thank you Labor Day! No school or work! Maybe that'll help me get caught up with everything!

Happy Monday!
xo k

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Zombie Photo Shoot

This is the funnest "client" in the history of clients. You may kind of recognize him from a shoot I did with him about a month ago, minus the blood. Yes, this is Corbin McDavitt! Corbin is an inspiring stand up comedian and he wanted to take some promo shots so he can make posters and promote his stand up act! I haven't had the chance to see him preform yet, but I want too so badly! I hear he's great!

The reason why he chose to be all bloody and "zombie attacked, apocalypse " it's a spin off of the saying "Knock em dead, kid." which I thought was pretty clever and a new take on things. It was a funny, bloody shoot which is what we were both going for.

It was definitely an eventful shoot! About the time that Corbin had put the blood in his mouth and let it slowly drip out, the cops showed up. I guess looking like you were just mauled in downtown Laurel get's people worried. After Corbin explained to the cops what we were doing and that we didn't mean to upset anyone or do anything wrong, the cops kind of laughed, so we packed our things (because it was starting to rain) and left. I loved every second of it!

xoxo kaylaaa

Friday, August 27, 2010

Magical Finds

I found this magical painting in a pile on the side of the road! I couldn't believe my eyes when I walked past and saw this beautiful painting laying there! The frame is all beaten up, but with a brand new frame and a little cleaning up, it'll be just like new even though it's dated from 1980! I kind of have a tiny obsession for owls so this is just amazing. I can't wait for it to be hanging up in my room! I love it so much!

Also, ever since I started making headbands, my button collection has sky rocketed! It still has a long way to go, but I'm very pleased with the progress that it's made so far! Buttons are such an adorable decoration.

Happy Weekend!
xo kay

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I'm totally crushing on black&white photos all over again. These lovely ones are of Twiggy, Marlyn Monroe, and Audrey Hepburn. Having a conversation with Ryan about our love of these beautiful people really re-lighted my passion and love. I have black&white photo's all over my room! I just think they're incredibly magical! One (of the many) that I have hanging in my room is this:

I absolutely adore it!
I have been so busy and stressed out this week that I thought I would step back and look at something positive that has happened! And a rekindled love is definitely a positive thing in my book! What is something that has been rekindled in your life? I'd like to know!

Have an inspired week!
xoxo kayla

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

New Nephew

This is my new little nephew, Louigi! He is the most precious little Schnauzer puppy in the history of puppies! I love him so much and I've only been around him twice! He's so chill and completely content all the time! He reminds me of a little bear for some reason. My uncle bought him from my friend Alex and I have to say that I could have definitely taken all of them home with me! They are all such healthy, sweet puppies! I know he's going to be a fantastic dog for my uncle and I hope he loves his new home because we all love him!

Isn't he adorable?! (that's his little squirrel toy beside him)
Sorry this is a short post but I have so much homework and such to do!
Have a lovely evening!
xoxo kaaayylllaaa

Monday, August 23, 2010

Inspirational Monday

Link1. I want this cast iron bathtub couch by ruffhouseart! It is so creative and completely adorable! I love it so!2. Such a neat, innovative way to store/showoff your jewelry!

3. Cutecutecute mustache mugs from BlueMarsArt.

4. The neatest idea for a coat rack that I've ever seen!

5. Eep! This lovely 60's pleated jumper dress!

6. I would love to add this vintage camera to my collection!

7. Cute vintage cocktail ring!

8. How adorable is this hat??

9. Oh how I would loveeeee these sunglasses for my birthday!! swooon

10. Coolcool hair!

I hope you enjoyed this weeks 'Inspirational Monday'!

Happy Monday!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Simple Goals

My simple goal for the week, along with finishing the headband orders that I have gotten over the past few days, is to make a headband in every color just for my personal use to show what each headband will look like in the colors that I have! I know it may sound like an easy task, but sometimes if I don't set goals for myself it's easy to get distracted, therefore not completing what I originally set out to do. I try not to set too hard of goals to make sure I don't discourage myself before I even begin.

Another goal of mine is to buy and wear more vintage/thrifted dresses! I got this adorable anchor dress from Ragin' Daisy's in New Orleans, it's from the 1960's! Wearing it always puts a smile on my face.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sunday Masterpieces

We finally made our cupcakes! It was so much fun, too! I could definitely make making cupcakes a weekly thing! We made sort of a "Reese's" cupcake; all we did was buy milk chocolate cake mix and added slightly heated (easier to spread) Peter Pan peanut butter on top! And just to make them a little bit cuter, I sprinkled chocolate chips on the top! If you like the combination of chocolate and peanut butter together, you should definitely try this! It's so delicious! Since we used a whole box of cake mix, we ended up making 24 cupcakes, so we took the ones we didn't eat, which was about 18 or so, to the youth and they seemed to enjoy them! Ahhh. I just love making things for people! What's your favorite baked goody? Let me know!

xo k

Friday, August 13, 2010

Best Wishes!

My best wishes go out to the newly weds Kimber and Josh Windham! I feel terrible that I couldn't be there, but I wish you're honeymoon, marriage, and the rest of your life together nothing but the best! Despite getting married on Friday the 13th!

Speaking of Friday the 13th, I always thought that those days were suppose to be full of bad luck. I have to say today has been one of the best! I've been asked to do two photoshoots, one for a local band and another for Corbin who is wanting to promote his stand-up comedy show! Last, but definitely not least for the exciting things that have happened today, I have some exciting new things coming up with Anchor & Sparrow! Eek! All of this has definitely made my day! I hope your Friday the 13th has been just as good! Phooey on superstitions!

Off to crochet some goodies!
xoxo k

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lovely Things

So this is what I have been up too lately! Crocheted flower headbands! I'm so proud of the cute little things! I've got a few more things up my sleeve as far as crocheting goes, but I'm going to make sure that I can do them before I share them, just to make sure I don't get anyone's hopes up for a letdown in the end ;]

This is definitely a project that is fun and frustrating at the same time! But it's all worth it in the end.

Well today was my first day at college and I have to say I pretty much loved it! I hope the rest of the year is as good as today was. I found all my classes fairly easy (thanks to some friends) and all my teachers seem really cool! I had yearbook last and it definitely put the icing on the cake! As long as tomorrow is good, I think this year will be a good way to start my college experience!

Hope you're having a great week!

P.S. I completely in love with my new fingernail polish! I've never been that much of a fan of pink, but this "vintage pink" polish strikes my fancy! What's your favorite color polish?

xoxoxoxo kayla

Monday, August 9, 2010

Old Games

Josie and I played her parents Battleship game that they have had since they were teenagers. It was so much fun! I've never really played Battleship before so it was definitely a fun new thing to try. Especially since I won :]

Oh yeah, so college starts THURSDAY! I'm so nervous and excited! I'm wondering what should I wear, what's the first day going to be like, and am I going to be completely lost on the first day?! Eek! I just can't believe that it's already here. I only have one class with someone that I know, that's kind of a bummer to me, but I'm sure everything will be fine.

This is what I made when I picked up crocheting again! It's a flower! I'm not finished with that product and there is a lot more to come from that! I'm really excited about this and have bought a few new colors of yarn. I'll have to show you when I completely finish what I've started. It's always fun when you start new projects in your life, and I seem to have a couple going on right now! Everything is going so good and all these changes are still so positive, I can't complain about the things that do go slightly wrong. Swoon

Happy Monday!
xo k

P.S. Best wishes to Brian, Kelsey, and little Patrick to their move to Seattle! Love you guys!

Saturday, August 7, 2010


As me and Kacey (mostly Kacey) are working on this new, exciting thing for my blog for the Fall season coming up, I think Kacey decided to show off her skills a little bit, so now I'm going to show you.

The last one of Josie is my absolute favorite! Well, actually, the one that is my foreal favorite I can't show you just yet because it's part of the (or is the) secret project. Oh, and I was just kidding about her wanting to show off, this is just what she does when she is bored; makes masterpieces. Isn't she talented?! I was so happy with the way things have turned out, I had to do a special post for it :) Keep up the good work Kacey, it is absolutely amazing.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Free shopping day!... (almost)

Me, along with most every one else in Mississippi, partook in the "tax free weekend" that happen last weekend! There were so many people out that I didn't really know what to do with myself, but I did get a really cute dress from Target that I'm super excited about wearing Sunday to my Grandparents house.

My cousin, Brian, is in the Army and he just got back from I think his 3rd go-round in Iraq. In just a short week, him and his wife and his adorable son Patrick will be moving to Seattle, Washington where he will be stationed. I will definitely miss them, but I think visiting them will be a must.

This is Patrick, isn't he adorable?! He is the happiest, smartest kid that I know. I love him very, very much and I hope he stays just as sweet his whole life! Look at his adorable white hair!

I bought some yarn today and I'm going to spend the rest of the night picking up where I left off when I first started crocheting about 5 years ago. Hopefully it'll be like riding a bike and I didn't forget how too! I also have very exciting news! I have been talking to Kacey all night long almost and she has the most amazing, adorable idea for my blog that I've ever heard! I am so excited for this! I'm going to leave it a surprise until it is complete so I can show you as soon as I tell you. I am supper excited! It's going to be so much fun!

It came a flood today, but ironically, the sky is always so pretty after a storm :]

xoxoxoxo kayla

Monday, August 2, 2010

Inspirational Monday

This 'Inspirational Monday' is a personal one, it goes out to the people in my life that I really see something special in. I think after reading this, you'll see why :]

(this picture was stolen off her facebook)
1. Ariel is 14 years old (15 in a few days) and she is in the process of writing a novel. I've read the 7 chapters that she has written so far and I'm hooked. She is a very talented, mature, smart girl and I believe in her 100% and she is a very good friend of mine :]

2. My brother, Spencer, is pretty much the smartest person that I know. He keeps me on my toes.

3. Even though you can't see her face, this is Josie. She has been one of my very best friends since I was probably about eight years old. She's always pushed my creative side and encourages me to follow my heart and dreams. (P.S. This is one of my favorite/coolest pictures)

4. I'm sure it's no secret that Braxton plays a key role in my life. He teaches me a lot about myself and who I'm becoming. He'll help anyone at anytime, he's the best friend/(boyfriend) that any person could ask for.

5. I hate that I don't have a better picture of Kacey, but she's the one in the middle and is an inspiring graphic designer. She has just freshly turned 15 and absolutely blows me out of the water in brains, creativity, and humor. I will miss her greatly next year! She will do absolute amazing things.(along with my Yellow Bird header, this is some of her work she did with a picture of me)

6. My adorable Aunt Paula is who I give all the credit for showing me that I love to do crafty things. If it weren't for her doing some sort of "art project" with me every time we were together, I don't know where I would be now. Lucky for me, I have an art teacher for an aunt :]

7. My Dad is the most kind-hearted person that I know. I love him to no end. He practically raised me by himself and the thought of all he did and sacrificed for me brings tears to my eyes. We also have contest in the winter as to who can read the most books ;] he normally wins by a landslide.

8. I love my Papaw to pieces and I know he loves me even more than I love him. Him and Mamaw (who passed away at Christmas) spoiled me rotten when I was growing up. After my mom died, I would stay with them every other weekend, so they helped raise me. Also, every time I was over at their house, I would get a new Barbie doll :] needless to say, I had a ton of Barbie's growing up! I hope to one day be as good of grandparents as mine are.

(another stolen off her facebook)
9. My sister, Sarah, is the best big sister ever. I love her so incredibly much and I know that she would come to my rescue when I couldn't call anyone else. It seems the older we get, the more we start to see we're a lot alike.

10. Kimber, as you know, has been another of my best friends for a while now. She was one of those people that as soon as I saw her, I knew we were going to be the best of friends, and we are. We're so much a like that people get our voices confused all the time and we pretty much wear the same things; like twins. :] She's as cute as a button and I laugh with her all the time!

That's it for this weeks 'Inspirational Monday'!

Happy Monday!
xo k