Monday, July 12, 2010

Inspirational Monday

I've decided to try and do an "Inspiration Monday" post that contains 10 inspirational images that I have stumbled across. I want to do this because somehow Monday's always seem to end up cruddy, so I hope that if you're having a cruddy Monday, this weekly post will help cheer you up and get you out of your funk!

1. These beautiful origami swans! I would love to have them hanging from my ceiling!

2. Absolutely breathtaking wedding photography by Jason Stockdale

3. Oh-me-oh-my! I love this jumper!

4. I've often thought about going blonde. Love this outfit.

5. I absolutely love this picture!

6. Eek! Why does this have to be the cutest dress ever?

7. I'm definitely ready for this road-trip coming up.

8. I wantwantwant these shoes!

9. Spencer's phone takes cool pictures :]

10. And last but not least! How adorable are these vintage suitcases?

I hope that you enjoyed this 'Inspirational Monday' post! I'm off to pack my own suitcase!
xo k

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