Monday, November 22, 2010

New Goodies

Finally! Some winter goodies! After a couple of days of working on it, I'm finally done with my latest project for anchor&sparrow.....crocheted earmuffs + crocheted flower embellishments! I'm so pleased with the way it turned out and I hope that they find their way home with some special people!

It's been a little hard to start on new things lately because I'm so wrapped up with crocheted flower headband orders (which is an amazing problem to have! I'm so blessed!) and of course school.. But my next big thing that I'm working toward is a little more ambitious and time consuming than the earmuffs, but hopefully the outcome will be equally cute!

I really can't stress enough how thankful I am for everyone that has bought from anchor&sparrow, this is truly an amazing experienced and I'm so humbled by it. I guess having Thanksgiving in a few days is reminding me to be thankful for the things that we start to take for granted.

I hope that you all enjoy the earmuffs!
xo kayla


  1. Aaahhh!! They are adorable Kayla! So cute!
    Happy Turkey Day :) Wuuuuvvvv you
